
We are home to six of the most exciting paintball fields, including two speedball courses, in the Houston area for both new players to the game and paintball fanatics!

Use the below form and we will contact you.

Employment History: List work experience with your current or most recent position.
Personal References: List two individuals able to give character references. You should include former employers or school administrators, but not your relatives.
I affirm that the information provided in this application, including all accompanying documents, is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false, incomplete, or misleading statements may result in disqualification from employment or termination at the discretion of Texas Legends Paintball. I authorize Texas Legends Paintball to conduct a comprehensive investigation into my previous employment and activities and release the company, my former employers, and any individuals providing information from any liability. This application does not constitute, nor should it be interpreted as, an employment contract.