It’s safety first at Texas Legends Paintball. We want all our guests to have a great time making memories, so please familiarize yourself with our general safety rules of play.

Any violation of the Safety & Game Rules will result in the offending player being ejected from the day’s play without a refund.

Safety goggles must always be worn. Players must wear goggles whenever they leave the registration area. At no time will a player be allowed to break the seal of the goggle from around their face. Only goggles specifically approved for paintball are allowed at our field.

Blind firing is not allowed. Players must always be looking at their targets while shooting. Do not shoot the wildlife!

No shooting or dry firing in the neutral area or in the parking lot. Players may never discharge their guns anywhere except for the target range or the particular playing field their game is being held on.

Barrel covers are required. Players may never remove their barrel cover unless at the target area or when told to do so by a referee. If you lose your barrel cover, point your gun at the ground and call for assistance from a member of the staff.

All guns must chronograph at 280 FPS or under. Players will be randomly checked throughout the day to ensure full compliance.

No climbing on trees, structures, through windows or on bunkers. The only objects players can climb on are structures that have a staircase/ramp leading them upward.

No Physical Contact-Players may never touch another player or their equipment. Unauthorized equipment is not allowed on the playing field. Players are not allowed to bring onto the playing field any equipment deemed to be unsafe or not appropriate by the field operator. Players are never allowed to bring onto the field knives of any size, tools of any kind, paint grenades, paint mines, multiple paintball launchers, pyrotechnics, smoke grenades or any type of explosives.

Avoid field hazards. Players should avoid all hazards such as fences, ruts and vines. Players should report any field hazard to the field operator.

Players may never construct anything that may hinder the movement of other players. Players are not allowed to construct any sort of barricades or bunkers.

Smoking is only allowed in the registration area. Players are never permitted to smoke on the playing field.

Alcohol or drugs are not allowed on the premises, nor are players under the influence.

Verbal abuse and unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. Profanity, name calling, fighting or anything else Texas Legends Management deems to be inappropriate can be grounds for expulsion.

Players ejected for rule violations will not be given a refund.

Do not disassemble the rental equipment. If you are experiencing difficulties with your equipment please bring it to the attention of a staff member.

Referees decisions on the field are final. Players are not allowed to argue with any referees. Our referees will be happy to discuss any call after the game if you need clarification on a rule.

Fun Fact:  The first fully automatic paintball gun came out in 1989.

Safe Fun For Everyone

Create memories of fun for your group today.

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